Thursday, July 8, 2010

blues traveler

So I have hit the road for a more adventurous lifestyle, as I do every year, and gone to Maine. Unfortunately, there is less adventure and more work than I expected. This is probably the result of me getting a job at an arcade. Of all the jobs one could relinquish their valuable summer for, this is probably the best. All day, I sit behind a glass counter surrounded by cheap Oriental trading toys and hand them out to small children who have just spent a small fortune on the Ski ball. The pay isn't bad and I get to do some serious people watching. If my camera wasn't currently buried beneath God knows what in my friend's bedroom, I would be taking pictures of the creatures that roll through the arcade.
Besides watching kids blow their parent's paychecks, I am looking forward to going to Warped Tour on Tuesday. Oh yes. This is something worth getting excited over. I feel like doing a little dance right now to really drive it home. I will get to see bands like The All-American Rejects and maybe, if I'm lucky, Tyson Ritter will sweat on me.
I still have yet to see the new Twilight movie, but I am looking forward to it. I hear that it is the best so far, so I hope that I won't be disappointed :)