Wednesday, April 21, 2010

letting go

when we were young, we sat in our little boxes, and we were happy, and we were content. We had nothing to worry about, and yet there was something pulling at the back of our minds. It loomed over our childish, silly thoughts like an ominous black cloud. At some point, probably at the age of two, we knew we would have to grow up, that this bliss we were living in would not last forever. And this knowing was the heart and soul of our nightmares, the face of the monster under the bed, and the feeling of being separated from our parents at the grocery store. It was our biggest fear. Now we are older.And the fear still creeps in our minds. But it would appear that growing up is our biggest pretend, because we will always be children. I'm still trying to cling to my childhood innocence, but it's so hard. I'm losing my grip.

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