Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Movers and the Shakers

So on the topic of moving. My dearest friend *ahem* Alex Calamari (Cookie, I think you're tame) is embarking on the journey of moving within the next few months. I have done this. Twice. And let me tell you, it is very interesting. While we were in the process of moving, I was very excited. I wanted to get out of the sweaty armpit that the rest of the world knows as Tampa Florida. It was about 2 months after we left that I actually realized that I would never be sleeping in my old room. I would never walk into that kitchen, or hear the familiar creak of our crappy wood floors. I used to gag at the very sight of a palm tree, now, I smile at just the photograph of one. It is hard sometimes, sometimes I feel like this will never be home. But that's only once in a while. For the most part, I feel as if I have been living here my whole life.Despite the drastic change of being in big city Tampa to small town Plaistow, NH, I am comfortable. The weather is so beautiful right now, and I know that this is why it's worth it.

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