Friday, August 27, 2010

(not enough) Days of Summer

My summer is nearing an end, and I am still no where near finishing my required reading for school. The book that I stupidly chose a month before school starts is The Dwelling-Place of Light. So far, it is a pretty good book but I've only gathered this by reading each sentence at least twice. Unfortunately, it's almost 500 pages long and school starts in 3 days. I guess I have a lot of reading to do.
So, to take my mind of the cinderblock of a book I have to read, I am listing the things that make me happy right now because this always puts a smile on my face:

- my new sound system (it's not that nice but at least it's better than no sound system, right?)

-Sweet Disposition by Temper Trap (faaannntastic)

- the familiar sight of my cat's bum as he sauntered away from me when I walked in the door today

-Frank Sinatra (always a mood lifter

- The candle in my room that smells like cake, it even has sprinkles in it!

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