Friday, August 27, 2010

(not enough) Days of Summer

My summer is nearing an end, and I am still no where near finishing my required reading for school. The book that I stupidly chose a month before school starts is The Dwelling-Place of Light. So far, it is a pretty good book but I've only gathered this by reading each sentence at least twice. Unfortunately, it's almost 500 pages long and school starts in 3 days. I guess I have a lot of reading to do.
So, to take my mind of the cinderblock of a book I have to read, I am listing the things that make me happy right now because this always puts a smile on my face:

- my new sound system (it's not that nice but at least it's better than no sound system, right?)

-Sweet Disposition by Temper Trap (faaannntastic)

- the familiar sight of my cat's bum as he sauntered away from me when I walked in the door today

-Frank Sinatra (always a mood lifter

- The candle in my room that smells like cake, it even has sprinkles in it!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

House of what?

Every summer, I have a seemingly tangible dream of meeting some gorgeous guy on one of my lengthy walks on the beach. Sure, there are looks over the shoulder, smiles and nods in my direction, but my dream has yet to come true. Last week, I thought I had come pretty close....until we went back to his house. Now, before there are any judgments made, let me explain what happened.I was sitting on the beach with one of my friends because while we were walking to my house, I spotted a couple lookers. We were discussing which boys we each liked the best and what their personalities must have been like based on what books they were reading or how well they played frisbee with their friends. Two boys in particular caught my eye and I pointed them out to my friend. We waited patiently for them to approach us, which took them almost 20 minutes ( they explained that they were nervous...) and the four of us talked for over an hour. They invited us to walk with them later that night and we excitedly accepted. While we were all walking on the beach that night, my friend and I decided which guy we each liked the best (which luckily were different, I can't imagine if we liked the same guy). The boys asked us out on an official date with them the next night. At 7 o'clock, my friend and I drove to their house and then the boys drove us into town where we walked the Marginal Way all the up to Perkins Cove. We ate dinner at a nice restaurant and the boys paid for our meals. Unfortunately, I had already eaten some chicken nuggets beforehand so I wasn't really hungry, but it was a good meal anyway. Afterwards, we drove back to the boys house where we decided to watch House of Wax. Yyyuuuppp. the movie sucked but I properly pretended to be scared and so that cuddling would ensue. However, my date apparently was retarted. He would not put his arm around me! He did stroke the back of my foot though. Because somehow, the continuous rubbing of the back of my heel is supposed to be a turn-on. Not at all. I was quickly getting bored of this and I also had to sit there not only suffering from the terrible movie, but from my friend and her guy making out like nobody's business. It was extremely obnoxious. After the movie was over, my friend and I decided that it was time to go home. Did I get a goodnight kiss? NO. But my friend did. All I got was an awkward goodbye and a text that said he had a great time that night. pfffftt. yeah, ok. Luckily, he was going back home in New York the next day so I wouldn't have to worry about another awkward encounter.
See what kind of luck I have? jeez.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

blues traveler

So I have hit the road for a more adventurous lifestyle, as I do every year, and gone to Maine. Unfortunately, there is less adventure and more work than I expected. This is probably the result of me getting a job at an arcade. Of all the jobs one could relinquish their valuable summer for, this is probably the best. All day, I sit behind a glass counter surrounded by cheap Oriental trading toys and hand them out to small children who have just spent a small fortune on the Ski ball. The pay isn't bad and I get to do some serious people watching. If my camera wasn't currently buried beneath God knows what in my friend's bedroom, I would be taking pictures of the creatures that roll through the arcade.
Besides watching kids blow their parent's paychecks, I am looking forward to going to Warped Tour on Tuesday. Oh yes. This is something worth getting excited over. I feel like doing a little dance right now to really drive it home. I will get to see bands like The All-American Rejects and maybe, if I'm lucky, Tyson Ritter will sweat on me.
I still have yet to see the new Twilight movie, but I am looking forward to it. I hear that it is the best so far, so I hope that I won't be disappointed :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

the forest is on fire...

Tonight as I was sitting at my computer watching the sun go down and listening to the new Lady Gaga song, I looked out into the trees surrounding my house and noticed tiny little flashing lights, blinking on and off. I quickly realized that my yard was alive and aglow with fireflies. it was beautiful. Even now as I type this I can see them lighting up their butts in excitement. Ahh, the heat of this summer evening may be unbearable to those of us without air-conditioning, but to those with neon lights up our bums, I salute you.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer in the city

I went to Boston this past weekend, and it was everything that I had hoped it would be. Lots of odd characters, street performers, live music, etc. I woke early Saturday morning (late), then I rushed to eat a nutritious breakfast (poptarts) and get ready to go. At 9:45, my friend and I hit the road with a fully charged ipod and a full day ahead of us. We drove the infamous Nordica (my friend's classy car) to the train station in Haverhill, MA. We made it to the station JUST in time. The train took a little over an hour to get us to Boston. When we arrived, we set out walking. I don't think I have ever walked so much in my life. Weaving our way through the fruit market was maybe my favorite part. It was filled with so many people in such a rush, there were heads of cabbage flying through the air, grapes rolling around on the ground and tomatoes squashing beneath the feet of unsuspecting customers.
There were quite a few wolf whistles directed toward my friend and I, one man even had the balls to yell out, "Shmeggle Shmeggle!!" I haven't a clue what that was supposed to mean but it made for a good laugh. We straggled on, stopping into every single shop along the way. I am now the proud owner of the new Vampire Weekend album Contra.
On the train ride home, we saw a man dressed like a pimp on a pimp trip taking pimp tablets to increase his pimpness. It was the highlight of the day. Besides the fruit market.
Pimp has spotted us!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Baby I've been here before

today I saw a boy break his collarbone.
I watched it happen.
and i thought, isn't it funny how the biggest and most influential parts of our lives are the ones that happen in a split second.
I know that he will be ok, but it could've been worse, and I just sat there and watched.
one minute he was fine and the next he was crouched on the ground screaming in pain.
we are so fragile but we do these amazing things and every once in a while, we break doing something stupid.
isn't it funny.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

41 things

Here are a few of my favorite things:
  1. running through rain
  2. eating soup with a fork
  3. singing in the library
  4. dancing in public
  5. talking to strangers
  6. no pants
  7. lacey panties
  8. high fives
  9. low fives
  10. lo mein
  11. main street
  12. street cars
  13. carnations
  14. grilled cheese
  15. cat sneezes
  16. color yellow
  17. clean sheets
  18. loud music
  19. soft music
  20. fuzzy carpets
  21. a slight sunburn after a day at the beach
  22. pickles
  23. strawberry icecream
  24. unintentional humor
  25. funny people
  26. hugs
  27. kisses
  28. famous amos cookies
  29. red lipstick
  30. sleeping
  31. hitting the snooze button
  32. reading when I should be sleeping
  33. humming to myself
  34. using brand new paint brushes
  35. carnival food
  36. m&ms on pizza
  37. elaborate plans
  38. socks
  39. getting mail
  40. laughing
  41. and smiles

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

letting go

when we were young, we sat in our little boxes, and we were happy, and we were content. We had nothing to worry about, and yet there was something pulling at the back of our minds. It loomed over our childish, silly thoughts like an ominous black cloud. At some point, probably at the age of two, we knew we would have to grow up, that this bliss we were living in would not last forever. And this knowing was the heart and soul of our nightmares, the face of the monster under the bed, and the feeling of being separated from our parents at the grocery store. It was our biggest fear. Now we are older.And the fear still creeps in our minds. But it would appear that growing up is our biggest pretend, because we will always be children. I'm still trying to cling to my childhood innocence, but it's so hard. I'm losing my grip.

Monday, April 19, 2010

10 Things

Here's some stuff on my mind right now:

1) Swedish fish, never actually not on my mind
2)how incredibly overwhelming my life is right now
3) I will probably never get married
4)there's a cloud in the sky that looks suspiciously like a penis
5)I need a good book to read
6) I need a hobby
7)I miss my friends
8)oh shit, summer's almost here and I have yet to acquire that bikini body
9)I am so bored
10)Ian Somerhalder, he is one foxy manRemove Formatting from selection

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's a fruit!

I've always thought these were really cute and whoever made them must really love fruit!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Movers and the Shakers

So on the topic of moving. My dearest friend *ahem* Alex Calamari (Cookie, I think you're tame) is embarking on the journey of moving within the next few months. I have done this. Twice. And let me tell you, it is very interesting. While we were in the process of moving, I was very excited. I wanted to get out of the sweaty armpit that the rest of the world knows as Tampa Florida. It was about 2 months after we left that I actually realized that I would never be sleeping in my old room. I would never walk into that kitchen, or hear the familiar creak of our crappy wood floors. I used to gag at the very sight of a palm tree, now, I smile at just the photograph of one. It is hard sometimes, sometimes I feel like this will never be home. But that's only once in a while. For the most part, I feel as if I have been living here my whole life.Despite the drastic change of being in big city Tampa to small town Plaistow, NH, I am comfortable. The weather is so beautiful right now, and I know that this is why it's worth it.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

bibbity bloggity boo

Post number two!

I am curious if this just happens to me or it is more common than I think:
I often like a guy for whatever period of time, but as soon as they start showing an interest, I stop liking them. I also feel like I'm leading them on or something, but I can't help it. Unfortunately, none of the guys that I am interested in at the moment are available (there is a story behind that one...)
but we'll get to that another time.
At the moment, I am as single as Kate Gosselin. How sad is that?
very sad.
and so, if you are as single as I am and are curious as to why(like me) , just remember that it won't last forever.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's About Time

So here it is. The Blog. My blog. And let me just say that I should've done this a looongg time ago. Not that I have any burning things to talk about, although I'm sure something will come to me eventually, but I do think that this will be interesting to say the least.
Right this second I want to just start out by saying that before High School, I had never wanted to kill anyone before. Thank you Sophomore Year, for making my life more difficult than need be. Because I really wanted this to take a class on how to draw a circle on Microsoft word.

Not at all really.